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Feeling a little down nowadays

 It has been a few days, I'm feeling quite down. I don't know if this is what being down is but I think this probably is. I don't feel motivated to do anything and I get negative vibes lol. I think this is because I have nothing to do. Right now, I have given all the entrance exams and even the results are out. I scored 45 in CSIT's entrance exam which gave me a rank of 3004. That's not a nice rank. But in BIT, I scored better. I scored 69 and ranked 76. That's pretty good, I guess. No! it's good. I will get a seat in Patan Multiple Campus. I'm not sure about Amrit Science College though. I really wish I can get admission in ASCOL. The admission list was supposed to be out today but it was extended and I think it will be out most probably the day after tomorrow (Sept. 22, 2024), not sure though. Back to me being down cuz why not?? I was scrolling X until now. I had a small bug to fix in my portfolio which I created a few days earlier. Someone told me abo
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It has been sometime now

18 July, 2024, 1:09 a.m   Hmm. How do I start? I have not used this font before.  It'll be two years since the last post in like a few months. I have not been active here. Not that people read my posts. And also, this will be a totally off topic post. I don't have anything to write about. More like, I just don't care.  I started this blog like 4 years ago maybe? Not sure. It was during the time of COVID-19 and online classes. I started this because I thought it would be fun and ngl, it was and tbh, it still is. I know that nobody reads this but it still is fun idk why tho? I have always felt great about writing. I have tried to maintain a daily diary too but I always end up deleting the files that I created. Like months worth of files. I feel great while writing but after a certain time, I feel weird and end up deleting them. I don't regret it though. But today, I was reading a post on Reddit and the guy was sharing his story and I found it very fascinating(?) idk if th

BruteForce in FTP server in Linux

  BruteForce is a technique that involves a list of passwords or passphrases being submitted by an attacker in the hope of getting one of them correct. In this post you will learn how to perform a BruteForce in a FTP server using Linux. Firstly, you will have to install a package called 'hydra' sudo apt install hydra Then, to check if your package is installed, type: hydra After you have entered the upper command you will get an example of how you can perform a BruteForce attack in a FTP server Example: hydra -l user -P passlist.txt Now you will have to make somethings ready. Those are: 1. Server address of the FTP server 2. Username that can be used to access that FTP server or,     A file containing the usernames that you have prepared 3. A file containing the password that you have prepared Here there is a change that you have to make according to your need. First let's learn about the command that you need while you have the username and a password

goto in Python

  Hey guys, here's the code (it's not exactly a goto statement but works same): def repeat (): a = int ( input ( ' \n Enter a number: ' )) b = int ( input ( 'Enter another number: ' )) com = [a,b] print ( f ' \n Sum: { sum (com) } ' ) ch = input ( ' \n Do you want to repeat?(y/n): ' ) ch = ch.upper() if ch == 'Y' : repeat() else : exit () repeat()

'follina' Zero-Day Vulnerability

Zero day vulnerability is a broad term that describes any recently discovered security vulnerability that hackers can use to attack system. It is called zero-day because the vulnerability is just discovered and the developers have 'zero-day' to patch it. What is follina? Follina is a recently discovered vulnerability in the Microsoft Office especially in the Microsoft Word. It allows hackers to attack your system through a '.doc' file. If you open the file the file is blank and does not contain anything. But as soon as you open the file, you can see a diagnosis window or a program compatibility troubleshooter. And while it is busy doing that, you are already hacked. (In the above picture, the picture at the left is the victim's point of view and the one at right is the hacker's point of view) While you open the '.doc' file, you might also have another application open other than the program compatibility troubleshooter. It is the application that is bein

How to enable Dark Mode in Chrome PC

Hey guys I found a trick to enable dark mode in Chrome. And it works with all websites even with those which don't offer Dark Mode. To enable the feature, type this in the search bar: chrome://flags Then search: dark mode  There you will find "Force Dark Mode for Web Contents" Go ahead and enable that. You can enable it by clicking the drop down menu which will be at it's right. Click that and choose "Enable" or "Enabled" not others. Then your Chrome will tell you to relaunch your browser. After you restart your browser, Dark Mode will be enabled. This method works for all operating systems so you don't have to worry. This is short tutorial but it will surely make some difference. Thank You!

How to compile C/C++ in Linux terminal.

  Hello everyone, in this post you will learn how to compile and run C or C++ programs in the Linux terminal.  For this you will need GCC (in most cases it will already be installed in your system) if not you can:  apt install gcc Then open terminal in the folder where you have stored your C/C++ files. Then type: gcc -o <give a name without "<>" of course> <name of the file which you want to compile> (If your program has any error it will be shown after you enter this command.) Then you will see a new file of the name you have given will be created. Right click on that newly created file and click on "Properties" then click on "Permissions" tab and check mark "Allow executing file as program", Then close the window. On this step, you can use the "chmod +x <name of the the newly created file>"can also be used. Now in the terminal type: ./<and the file's name of which you just changed the permission> Your