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Showing posts from July, 2024

It has been sometime now

18 July, 2024, 1:09 a.m   Hmm. How do I start? I have not used this font before.  It'll be two years since the last post in like a few months. I have not been active here. Not that people read my posts. And also, this will be a totally off topic post. I don't have anything to write about. More like, I just don't care.  I started this blog like 4 years ago maybe? Not sure. It was during the time of COVID-19 and online classes. I started this because I thought it would be fun and ngl, it was and tbh, it still is. I know that nobody reads this but it still is fun idk why tho? I have always felt great about writing. I have tried to maintain a daily diary too but I always end up deleting the files that I created. Like months worth of files. I feel great while writing but after a certain time, I feel weird and end up deleting them. I don't regret it though. But today, I was reading a post on Reddit and the guy was sharing his story and I found it very fascinating(?) idk if th